Saturday, February 28, 2015

FTU Shamrock Dreams Cluster Frame

Made some FTU Cluster Frame with 
our new Scrapkit called "Shamrock Dreams" 

I hope you like them and I hope u can use them..
Just right click them and save

This one you can get it here

Friday, February 27, 2015

Shamrock Dreams

Wow where is the time going?..
Wasn't it just Christmas and now It's 
St Patrick Day?...

I'm so pleased to say Welcome Jill Watkins to our team...
I know Jill is a very busy lady and she found time to join us with
our St Patty's scrap kit...
Now you have 4 different kits to play with..
Now how awesome is that?

Well here you go..If you use mine or our kits for tut's 
or making tags, Please Please share with us.. 
I know I can say for all of us that we would love to see your creations!
You can leave a message for me here on the blog or at my Facebook

Here is mine 
Click on the preview to download..

Here is Golden AKA Gold Dust

You can find it HERE

Here is Jill's
You can get it here

Here is Shelly's

You can get it HERE

Here is Peace's

You can get it HERE

Have fun and I hope you enjoy all of them...

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lovebugs Love

I've been working on this kit seen last year..
But with the  holidays and all I had to put a hold on it...
I finally finish it and I'm pretty happy with it..
I hope you like it has well and if you use this for a TUT or
make tags with it, Please let me know cause I would love to 
see the outcome... 
Thank you Dede
My email is

You can get it here

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Alex_Prihodko Valentine Extra's

Was doing some challenges at 

So I made some extras.. I hope u like them..

Beautiful tube is from