Saturday, November 29, 2014

Holiday Dreams FTU Cluster Frames

Here are some Cluster Frames that I made with our
Holiday Dreams ScrapKit...

Just right click it and save

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Holiday Dreams

WOW it's almost Christmas Time..

First I want to welcome our newest team member
Shelly from Designz By Shelly 

So proud of her.. She has learn so much in PSP world
in a short period of time...

Welcome baby girl 

Well here is our Christmas Scrap Kit..
It's Called

Holiday Dreams

I hope you like what we did.. I know I enjoy doing this since I love 
Christmas Time!

Here is what I made..

You can grab it HERE 

Here is Gold Dust (AKA Golden)

You can get her part HERE

Here is Peace

You can get it HERE

For our newest member Shelly
Great Job Girl 

You can get it HERE

Great Job Ladies..

Friday, November 7, 2014

A Blessed Thankgiving FTU Template

I made a template for Thanksgiving

I hope you like it

This template is my own creation....
Any Resemblance to another template is purely
Coincidental. Do Not copy, 
Do not clam has your own ...
You can use this in any tutorial or challenge..

You can get it HERE

A Blessed Thanksgiving FTU Cluster Frame

Here is what I made with Golden awesome kit..
Just right click and save

I want to thank my friend Becca for
making this beautiful tag with the cluster frame
that I made....

Thanks Becca 

A Blessed Thanksgiving

Here is a treat for you guys
Gold Dust aka Golden and I made a thanksgiving kit
just for you guys..
Its called
A Blessed Thanksgiving
Hope you like it and make lot's of tag LOL

Here is my part:

You can get it HERE

Here is Golden part

You can get it HERE
 Aww and look what Golden has made with my kit...
Great Job Golden and thank you 

We hope you enjoy our work